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The Last Castings Available May 14th 2PM MST in the Website Store

Traditional Scale Scrambling Mustang Foal

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Scuttle Butt 

Open Edition with BFest Special Price Reservations now and regular open edition available once BFest reservations have been shipped. 


Time Payments will be available - Once he is casting you will be notified and can select either to pay the balance or do time payments.


Biter's foal is finally here! Well, he will be in a few months while we get his mama out to as many as we can first! This deposit will secure you a Scuttle Butt at a discounted price (Yes, your biter coupon can apply on top of this). He won't start shipping for about 3 months which he gets some details finished up (he wanted new eyes and a new leg). Once he is ready to send out you will get emails by batch for the balance of the invoice. 


Scuttle is getting the heck out of dodge! With mama and papa having words he isn't having any part of these shennanigans! Sculpted to be a fairly new wee baby with his long and uncoordinated legs trying to get outta there as fast as he can wobble! No base needed for this boy, he stands firmly on his 3 supporting peets. 


Complete with all the little details like eyelashes, little hoofie details with frogs and the most adorable facial expression! 


I said I would have him up for Bfest for you all though so this gives you a chance to hold one and enjoy some savings! 



Regular Pricing - $220

Discount for Biter Customers -  code entered at checkout $195

This includes shipping within the USA and Canada (International $20 additional)


Dimensions: 7 inches long by 5.5 inches


Photos show in progress model - He decided he wanted new eyes and some changes last night. Of course! Lol 

So final detailing and finishing still needs to happen. More pics will be posted once he is ready for his proper photoshoot

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